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Harvesting your own kratom plants is a very rewarding experience, but there is little solid information out there on the subject. Here I will do what I can to explain how you can harvest high quality kratom at home.





When harvesting kratom leaves the age of the leaf it's self plays a role in alkaloid accumulation and the ratios in which they are present. On kratom farms its common practice to pick the older leaves below the youngest two sets of leaves. Those first two sets of young leaves have yet to fully realize what's considered a desirable alkaloid profile for the kratom market. Leaving these leaves on the tree also helps the plant to grow more rapidly. This isn't to say the youngest leaves are necessarily useless and may even be implemented in custom kratom blends to acquire a different end result. 

   The age of the more developed kratom leaves seems to play a role in effects as well. I've personally been operating under the notion that the older the leaf, the more stimulating it is and that more mitragynine has accumulated in the leaf....but I've also seen a farmer say that it's the younger of the fully developed leaves(3rd-4th node down) that gives more energy. These older vs. younger leaves very well may be what makes the difference between your classically white and green "vein" kratom products. Due to medical reasons though I can no longer use kratom(or any other substance really), so I'm personally unable to test this out. In the near future once I have a better grasp on what is what you bet your sweet face I'll be updating this page for y'all :) 




After harvesting the leaves it's desirable to give them a good rinse before continuing to the next stage. I like to fill a clean bucket or similar vessel with water and give them a good dunk with a bit of agitation to remove any dust and debris.




kratom is traditionally used fresh either by chewing or brewing tea. For chewing the vein is removed from The leaf and discarded. The leaf is then balled up and chewed while swallowing the juices only. the leaf material itself is not typically swallowed and is spit out after a time. 

    To brew a tea the fresh leaves(you can make tea with dried material too) are chopped or ripped into little pieces and cooked in water with some citrus juice added to aid in extraction. This is cooked on medium to high heat and then strained. The cooking times very depending on who you ask, but I've heard anywhere between 15 minutes and a few hours. When I've cooked tea for loved ones a low boil for 20 minutes worked well. If you're opting to do a long cook time I'd advise sticking to a simmer. 





This step is absolutely NOT necessary to do, but should be done before drying the kratom leaves to a brittle crisp. 

  You may choose to "cure" your kratom. This practice seems to be what is primarily done to make "red vein" kratom and is accomplished in much the same way that tobacco or cannabis is cured. Curing is done in many fashions but primarily it's done by partially drying to a certain humidity and maintaining that humidity for an extended period of time. While I'm not sure the ideal humidity for curing kratom the said to be ideal relative humidity for curing cannabis is 60% and for tobacco...70%. There are many resources out there on the net for your reference. Please keep in mind that improper curing can lead to unwanted microbial growth and can be hazardous to one's health. It's important to use caution when implementing such techquniqes. 

     It appears that exposing the kratom leaves to the sun/U.V. rays may also play a part in altering kratoms alkaloid profile and is yet another thing that can be experimented with to achive different effects.




When drying kratom you can choose to dry in the dark and/or the sun.  

  drying in a cool dark place is the best option for preserving the kratom plants original alkaloid profile. drying in the sun as stated in the last section may alter the alkaloid profile...potentially causing more of a red vein effect. 



 At this point you can choose to keep the leaves whole, crush the leaves, or powder the leaf up. 

   Another thing you can do(and is commonly done) that can alter the alkaloidal makeup is removing the main vein during this step. The veins seem to be weaker than the rest of the leaf and also have a different alkaloid profile. These can be left in the mix or removed and used separately. It's not uncommon for some American kratom users to switch over to using veins for a period of time with the belief that it lowers their tolerance. 


7- MIXING KRATOM "STRAINS": You can of course mix and match kratom made using any of these processing steps to create a custom blend catered to your liking. 




Store in a cool, dry, dark place. 


 That's it! 


In conclusion, harvesting kratom at home can be a fulfilling journey that allows you to explore the nuances of this unique plant. While the industry is often clouded by marketing terms and a lack of standardized classifications, understanding the basics—such as the importance of leaf age, proper washing, and curing techniques—can help you produce high-quality kratom tailored to your preferences. Experimenting with different methods of processing will also enable you to discover the effects that resonate best with YOU. Although there is still much to learn about kratom and its potential, your hands-on experience in growing and processing it can lead to a deeper appreciation and a personal connection to this fascinating botanical........


        Happy harvesting!